Montserrat Mendez
"You're unfamiliar with Montserrat Mendez, you say? Oh My dear, then you must go off to your garrulous Google, or your yappy Yahoo and absorb all you can about him. He is - and I say this with envy - a perfectly marvelous playwright... A Comic Masterwork… A veritable monsoon of precisely executed comedy, I hardly expected thoroughly stupid to be so bright."
Leonard Jacobs - Backstage
Leonard Jacobs - Backstage
Montserrat Mendez takes every opportunity to pun, rhyme, and elicit riotous laughter from the audience"
Zachary Zaithian
Zachary Zaithian
"Montserrat is a young theatre artist to keep an eye on."
Martin Denton,
Martin Denton,
Vertical Divider
Montserrat Mendez is an East Coast writer and director originally from Rincon, Puerto Rico, who has made a notable impact on NYC's independent theatre scene.
With a degree in Literature (British, Spanish, and Medieval) and Theatre from the University of Scranton, Montserrat's career has been marked by exploration and growth. His work has earned praise, including being named a "Comic Masterwork" by critic Leonard Jacobs and winning the Best Playwriting Award at the 2008 New York International Fringe Festival for his sequel to The Importance of Being Earnest—Thoroughly Stupid Things. Montserrat is a proud member of the People's Theatre Project 2024 Playwrights Unit. He has directed for independent theatre companies such as Manhattan Theatre Source and Nylon Fusion Collective and is a core member of Flux Theatre Company, known for its focus on transformative theatre. In screenwriting, Montserrat's work was a top 10 finalist for the Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting with A Trial of Spies. His screenplay Chisholm - A Woman of Brooklyn was a second-rounder for the 2022 Sundance Script Lab and a finalist for the Athena List, reflecting his in-depth research into Shirley Chisholm’s life and political contributions. His writing is driven by a fascination with archaeology and the evolution of character, language, and wit to shape human identity and contribute to a more equitable future. Montserrat is also a co-founder of The MozzleStead Company and works full-time as a policy researcher for the Shirley Chisholm Cultural Institute. |
Montserrat Mendez es un escritor y director de la Costa Este, originario de Rincon, Puerto Rico, que ha tenido un impacto notable en la escena teatral independiente de Nueva York.
Con un título en Literatura (Británica, Española y Medieval) y Teatro de la Universidad de Scranton, la carrera de Montserrat ha estado marcada por la exploración y el crecimiento. Su trabajo ha recibido elogios, incluyendo el reconocimiento como "Obra Maestra Cómica" por el crítico Leonard Jacobs y el Premio al Mejor Dramaturgo en el Festival Internacional de Teatro de Nueva York 2008 por su secuela de The Importance of Being Earnest--Thoroughly Stupid Things. Montserrat es un orgulloso miembro del People's Theatre Project 2024 Playwrights Unit. Ha dirigido para compañías teatrales independientes como Manhattan Theatre Source y Nylon Fusion Collective, y es miembro central de Flux Theatre Company, conocida por su enfoque en el teatro transformador. En el ámbito del guion, el trabajo de Montserrat fue finalista entre los 10 mejores para el Nicholl Fellowship en Guionismo con A Trial of Spies. Su guion Chisholm - A Woman of Brooklyn fue seleccionado en la segunda ronda del Sundance Script Lab 2022 y finalista para la Athena List, reflejando su investigación exhaustiva sobre la vida y las contribuciones políticas de Shirley Chisholm. Su escritura está impulsada por una fascinación por la arqueología y la evolución del carácter, el lenguaje y el ingenio para moldear la identidad humana y contribuir a un futuro más equitativo. Montserrat también es cofundador de The MozzleStead Company y trabaja a tiempo completo como investigador de políticas para el Shirley Chisholm Cultural Institute. |
People's Theatre Project
Playwright's Unit Fellowship - 2024
Guernica Y Guantanamo
Second Round
Creative Capital Award 2023
A Trial of Spies
Second Round Finalist
2022 Sundance Directors Lab
A Woman of Brooklyn
2021 Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting
A Woman of Brooklyn
Top 20%
2021 Spotify Sound Up
LatinX Program
Athena List
Chisholm - A Woman of Brooklyn
New York Innovative Theatre Award
Billy Carver and The Children in Mind
Now Titled: Rebecca Roman Redd At The Most Dangerous Hour
Outstanding Playwriting Award
New York International Fringe Festival
The Importance of Being Earnest Part Deux:
Thoroughly Stupid Things
Orlando Shakespeare Theater
The Importance of Being Earnest Part Deux:
Thoroughly Stupid Things
Finalist (Top 30)
Nicholl Fellowship
A Trial of Spies
Taller Telemundo: Escritores
People's Theatre Project
Playwright's Unit Fellowship - 2024
Guernica Y Guantanamo
Second Round
Creative Capital Award 2023
A Trial of Spies
Second Round Finalist
2022 Sundance Directors Lab
A Woman of Brooklyn
2021 Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting
A Woman of Brooklyn
Top 20%
2021 Spotify Sound Up
LatinX Program
Athena List
Chisholm - A Woman of Brooklyn
New York Innovative Theatre Award
Billy Carver and The Children in Mind
Now Titled: Rebecca Roman Redd At The Most Dangerous Hour
Outstanding Playwriting Award
New York International Fringe Festival
The Importance of Being Earnest Part Deux:
Thoroughly Stupid Things
Orlando Shakespeare Theater
The Importance of Being Earnest Part Deux:
Thoroughly Stupid Things
Finalist (Top 30)
Nicholl Fellowship
A Trial of Spies
Taller Telemundo: Escritores